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Last updateFri, 18 Feb 2022 7pm

About County Assembly

Trans Nzoia County is one of the 47 counties that were created by the new constitution and covers the former larger Trans Nzoia District. It is considered as one of the Country’s main bread baskets owing to the intensive and extensive cultivation of grain crops, mainly maize and beans that is undertaken in the region.
The County has five sub constituencies namely Saboti, Kiminini, Kwanza, Endebess and Cherangany sub county. The county is headquartered in Kitale town that also hosts the offices of the County Governor occupying the former municipal offices and the County Assembly occupying the former Nzoia county council offices.

The county has its main water bodies being the Nzoia River and the Suam River besides numerous other small and seasonal rivers that ensure a constant supply of water throughout the year. It also has various wet lands but the most visible being the Saiwa swamp that is also home to a national park that goes by the same name. Besides it has two major water towers namely the Mount Elgon water tower and the Cherangany Hills water tower and these two make it receive adequate rainfall hence the tag of Kenya’s bread basket.

The Trans Nzoia is located in the North Rift region of the former Rift Valley Province and it has its main center as the Kitale Town
The county borders Elgeyo Marakwet County to the East, Uasin Gishu County to the South, Bungoma County to the West and West Pokot County to the North. It also borders Uganda to the North West.

Area and Administrative Units
The Trans Nzoia County covers a total of three sub counties namely, Trans Nzoia West , whose headquarter is at Kitale Town, Trans Nzoia East, whose headquarter is at Kachibora Center and Kwanza, whose headquarter is at Endebess Center.
The County covers a total surface area of 2,495.6 km2 with each of the three sub counties covering the respective surface areas indicted in the table below:

Table1: Area covered in Km2 by the sub counties of Trans Nzoia County

S/No Sub county Area Covered in Sq Km2
1 Trans Nzoia West District 745.50
2 Trans Nzoia East District 629.80
3 Kwanza District 1,120.30
  Total Area Covered 2,495.60

County Assembly of Trans Nzoia
Trans Nzoia County Assembly consists of members elected by the registered voters of the wards, each ward constituting a single member constituency; a number of special seat nominated members necessary to ensure that no more than two-thirds of the membership of the assembly are of the same gender; six members of marginalized groups, including persons with disabilities and the youth and a Speaker, who is an ex officio member of the Assembly.

The County Assembly is responsible for: Vetting and approving nominees for appointment to county public offices as may be provided for in this Act or any other law; Performing the roles set out under Article 185 of the Constitution; Approving the budget and expenditure of the county government in accordance with Article 207 of the Constitution, and the legislation contemplated in Article 220(2) of the Constitution, guided by Articles 201 and 203 of the Constitution; Approving the borrowing by the county government in accordance with Article 212 of the Constitution; Approving county development planning; and performing any other role as may be set out under the Constitution or legislation.

There is a county Assembly Service Board. The Board consists of the Speaker of the County Assembly, the leader of a majority party, the leader of a minority party, and one person resident in the county, appointed by the County Assembly but who is not a member of the County Assembly. The County Assembly Clerk is the secretary to the County Assembly Service Board. The proposed organizational structure of County Assembly Governments is depicted in figure below.

Hon. Alfred Weswa Sirende
Hon. Andrew Kutitila Sikhendu
Hon. Angelina Too Chepsiro/Kiptoror
Hon. Betty Chemtai Matisi
Hon. David K. Kaboloman Saboti
Hon. David Wangila Kisaka Kiminini
Hon. Edward Kitur kipyego kapomboi
Hon. Emmanuel Waswa Keiyo
Hon. Francis Obingo Were Tuwani
Hon. George M. Mukhwana Chepchoina
Hon. Gilbert Kitiyo Ndiema Kinyoro
Hon. Hillary Kemei Motosiet
Hon. Japheth O. Wambalaba Machewa
Hon. Joel Milimo Wekesa Nabiswa
Hon. John Ichenihi Likovele Kwanza
Hon. Mathews M. Nyarango Bidii
Hon. Munene Mukuha Sitatunga
Hon. Patrick N. Kisiero Endebess
Hon. Sam Buyela Mutuli Kaplamai
Hon. Samuel K. Yator Cheranganyi/Suwerwa
Hon. Simon K. Toroitich Hospital
Hon. Simon N. Makhanu Waitaluk
Hon. Stephen NjorogeKuru Makutano
Hon. Victor Ibrahim Osiako Hon. Philip Sakong Sinyerere Matumbei
Benedine Auma Omondi Nominated
Birgin Elizabeth Chepkoech Nominated
Dorcas Sikowo Nominated
Everlyne Nelima Nominated
Farid Mohammed Mohsen Nominated
Jane Talam Nominated
Julia Chepkoech Ego Nominated
Laban Wanyonyi Simiyu Nominated
Margaret Sabina Wanjala Nominated
Naomi Kemunto Okul Nominated
Rose Malinga Nominated
Saidi Milcah Nangekhe Nominated
Teresia Nasambu Masibo Nominated
Tuwei Magdaline Kimtai Nominated
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